Why Following HIPAA Benefits Your Business

As a healthcare business, you provide many benefits to your community. You help your patients and their loved ones thrive by taking care of them, offering resources, and tending to their concerns. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) further ensures that your patients receive the best possible care. HIPAA allows health insurance coverage to continue after a person changes or loses their job, reduces fraud and abuse, mandates specific healthcare practice standards, and adds protection and confidentiality to the process of handling protected health information. On top of providing these resources to your clients, HIPAA also offers various bonuses to your practice. Here are some reasons why following HIPAA benefits your business.

Strengthens Relationships With Patients

Complying with HIPAA further shows you care about your patients’ well-being. Your amenability protects your clients, strengthening the relationship between you and them through trust. To your patients, you become a reliable resource they know they can turn to and feel comfortable with, enhancing their experiences with your business. A stronger relationship between you and the patients also means they’re more likely to write you better reviews or recommend you to others.

Increased Retention Rates

Since following HIPAA displays your loyalty toward your visitors, they’re more likely to be loyal to you in turn. The strengthened relationship and added comfort, paired with excellent service, create plenty of reasons for visitors to return. The more people who return, the higher your retention rates become. Steady and increased retention establishes more than enough business to continue running your practice and provide a reliable income stream.

Prevents PHI Loss

The healthcare industry comes with a lot of legalities. One legal offense many businesses face is the risk of losing protected healthcare information (PHI). For misplacing or sharing PHI without consent, repercussions may include criminal charges and hefty fines. HIPAA mandates that your healthcare enterprise and its employees undergo HIPAA training. They cover proper security protocols, effective documentation practices, and various other standards that help you secure your patients’ sensitive records in training. Gamma Compliance offers online HIPAA compliance training courses that teach you to comply with HIPAA regulations. Their training equips you with the tools necessary to protect your patients and their information.

Develops Ethical Practices

Ethics creates the foundation for how healthcare professionals treat people, setting expectations concerning patient rights and care. HIPAA sets a lot of ethical standards through its regulations. By complying with HIPAA, your business will become a more honest and compassionate practice. It also further demonstrates your clinic’s focus and care toward everyone entering your facilities and reaching out to you for help.

Following HIPAA benefits your business by helping you achieve your goals of prioritizing your patients. To start building a HIPAA-compliant clinic, explore Gamma Compliance’s range of training courses and manuals.