3 Important OSHA Requirements for Employers

Employers oversee multiple aspects of a business. One of their most important roles involves managing those out in the field and providing the service. The Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) aims to establish healthy and safe workplaces for all workers. They provide outreach and education assistance, but it’s up to the employers to implement and enforce those health and safety standards. Here are three important OSHA requirements for employers to make sure their staff work in an ideal workspace.

General Duty Clause

Under section five of the OSHA Act is the General Duty Clause. It states that as part of their responsibilities, employers must provide their employees and place of employment a space free from recognized hazards and potential risks of death or serious harm. Along with producing a safe and healthy workspace and contract of employment, employers must also comply with OSHA standards—which guarantee safe work environments. As managers of the office space and your employees, employers hold the responsibility for generating an OSHA-optimized place of business.

Incident Reporting

Proper recordkeeping helps the Department of Labor, OSHA, and employers track their progress regarding the establishment of an ideal workplace. It also brings to attention certain immediate areas of concern. Employers must report any workplace incidents, from fatalities to hospitalization and other serious injuries.

Mandatory Employee Training

Training plays a huge role in OSHA compliance. It provides the necessary information to all those involved in the workplace. Training goes over regulations and optimal practices and educates employees on the importance of workplace safety. Employers are responsible for providing their staff with access to training, whether they facilitate sessions themselves or engage outside services.

At Gamma Compliance, we offer HIPAA and OSHA training programs and manuals, aiding employers in their role of providing successful and office-wide education. We ensure employers meet these three important OSHA requirements and build a safe and healthy workplace. Producing a secure and ideal work atmosphere for your employees improves your business in numerous ways. It enhances work performance, dynamic professional relationships, and quality of service. It’s up to employers to take charge, establish, and enforce OSHA requirements to fulfill their role as a leader.