OSHA Violations You’re Making Without Even Realizing

OSHA regulations ensure workplaces adhere to the best practices and standards for optimized occupational health and safety. Regulations come in numerous forms and have different implications. Avoiding violations protects you, your employees, and your business from productivity setbacks and costly fees. Here are three OSHA violations you might be making without realizing it and how to guarantee compliance.

Improper PPE Application

Wearing personal protective equipment keeps you and your workers safe on the job. However, improper application defeats the purpose and fails to meet OSHA compliance terms, putting you and others at risk. Make sure everyone wears and uses their PPE appropriately. For example, have employees switch to fresh gloves after seeing each patient and keep their face masks above their noses to maintain health and safety practices.

Outdated Equipment

Various healthcare services—dental, veterinary, and general medical—require certain tools. As time progresses and technology advances, new equipment upgrades become available. These advancements make the tools safer and easier to use. With modern technology, upgrades appear more frequently. In some cases, depending on the equipment and practice in question, outdated tools and procedures create risks that violate OSHA compliance. Staying up to date on the latest equipment requirements and available upgrades ensures you remain compliant.

Lack of Training

Did you know OSHA training and certification require annual renewal? OSHA training is more than just a one-time process. Each year, staff must undergo training to learn the latest procedures, rules, and expectations. Plus, multiple training sessions secure knowledge to ensure retention and proper implementation.

Dental OSHA compliance fluctuates regularly as new rules, industry best practices, and other discoveries come to light, such as the response to the pandemic. Medical, veterinary, and many other industries also endure regular and rapid changes through the years. Consistent and updated training, like regular equipment upgrades, keep businesses in the loop and compliant.

There are several ways to accidentally violate OSHSA compliance without knowing, from recent changes in standards and tools to partial compliance. Make sure to double-check protocols and the latest news surrounding OSHA to solidify your compliance. Maintain a safe and healthy workplace and avoid unintentional violations with the help of us at Gamma Compliance Solutions.